Equal Treatment: Is There A Solid Definition?
Equal treatment and due process are perhaps two pillars of every arbitration proceeding. While the utility of some procedural features of arbitration (like document production) have been [...]
Appointment of the Arbitrator in Absolute Vacuum
In a recent talk on arbitration that I had in Iran Central Bar Association, one of the participants asked that how a sole arbitrator should be selected/appointed [...]
Irresponsible Arbitrator: How to Deal with?
What would you do with an undisciplined, disordered or irresponsible arbitrator? In 2015, I represented an Iranian Claimant in an ad-hoc arbitration against a Spanish Respondent. It [...]
Notice of Arbitration; Respondent not Available
In a recent international arbitration case under the Rules of Tehran Regional Arbitration Centre (TRAC), with Tehran as the seat, the Secretariat faced difficulty in notifying the [...]
Jurisdiction of Tribunal to Decide on Nullity of Contract
In a recent case under the Rules of Arbitration Centre of Iran Chamber (ACIC), which I sat as the president of the Tribunal, a question arose as [...]
Annulment, setting aside and refusal of enforcement of arbitral awards in Iran
Annulment, setting aside and refusal of enforcement of arbitral awards in Iran Iranian courts are well educated that they can only set aside or annul a national award [...]